The subject of this Human Beat is a new exhibit at the Heritage Museum called “Away from Home.” It’s quite a coup for them to have it since it’s booked out for five years, largely to major metropolitan museums like the Autry in L.A.
The exhibit tells the story of the Indian schools that were started in the 1870s for the purpose of erasing Indian culture and “civilizing” the children. Children of all ages were taken or coerced from their homes and families and sent to these far away schools. They often did not see their families again for 5 years. Many died from poor conditions and disease. There is much in these stories about the subjugation and mistreatment of “the other” that resonates today.
Join Michael McCusker for A Story Told.
Friday, Feb 5th at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! host Carol Newman speaks with: Musician Larkin Stentz with his new release of...
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