On this program, Donna Quinn features a rotary telephone interview with Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, who is an American naturalist, writer, teacher, and founder of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. He is the author of 23 books, including "Chasing Monarchs," "Where Bigfoot Walks," and "Wintergreen,"
which won the John Burroughs Medal, as well as the recent novel "Magadalena Mountain"
and a flight of well-known butterfly books. His local classic, "Sky Time in Gray's River,"
winner of the National Outdoor Book Award, will be re-released in January 2021.
A Yale-trained ecologist and a Guggenheim fellow, he is a full-time writer living in Wahkiakum County..
Bob's latest book is "The Tidewater Reach: Field Guide to the Lower Columbia River in Poems and Pictures," with Cathlamet photographer Judy VanderMaten," his third collection of poetry.
On the next Story Told, Michael transforms into Corona-Smith, and goes to Washington D.C., Also, by Linda Hirshman, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a vision...
In partnership with the Harbor, Coast Community Radio presents “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”. Day 3: Myths about Sexual Assault FMI: harbornw.org/
Isabella Tiger Moth