LOCAL NEWS: Pacific County activates emergency response

March 16, 2020 00:00:47
LOCAL NEWS: Pacific County activates emergency response
A Story Told
LOCAL NEWS: Pacific County activates emergency response

Mar 16 2020 | 00:00:47


Show Notes

LOCAL NEWS: Pacific County activates emergency response

Pacific County went to Emergency Level 1 status. Joanne Rideout explains.

Washington’s  Pacific County Emergency Management Agency decided Monday to activate its emergency response at the highest level possible, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

In a press release, agency director Scott McDougall said that Pacific County currently has no active cases of the illness, but said,  “it is imperative that Pacific County stay ahead of the curve in regards to both the health impacts to the community and the economic and social impacts of the interventions put forth by Governor Inslee in his executive orders on Friday and Monday.”

A Pacific County call center will be open from 10 am to 4 pm, to answer questions from the public. The call center number is 360-875-3407 or 360-642-3407.

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