Local News: Astoria vs. Deer, and the deer may be winning

October 04, 2019 00:03:01
Local News: Astoria vs. Deer, and the deer may be winning
A Story Told
Local News: Astoria vs. Deer, and the deer may be winning

Oct 04 2019 | 00:03:01


Show Notes

It seems that there are more deer in Astoria than ever before….and more Astorians are going to great lengths to keep them from eating their gardens. Coast Community Radio’s Jacob Lewin reports. Script follows. [Listen below – Total Run Time: 3:00 min] While they don’t do a census of urban deer, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says based on many public and staff observations, they appear to be on the increase. Master gardener Linda Brim’s theory is that they are becoming super-comfortable in town and the birth rate is going up and that’s caused some Astorians to be...

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