It’s been a month and a day since the governors of both Oregon and Washington shut down all but a few businesses in an attempt to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. How has the quarantine affected our local artists and the arts and cultural institutions in our region? We talked with RiverSea Gallery owner Jeannine Grafton, ceramicist Audrey Long and visual artists Kirista Trask, author Buzz Bissinger, sculptor Jeremy Furnish, and artist Darren Orange.
A response from Mill Pond residents in Astoria to a city council decision earlier this month that will allow additional construction in their neighborhood....
State of the Station. Host Donna Quinn interviews Program Director Emily Geddes and Station Manager Graham Nystrom, discussing the ongoing state of KMUN, KCPB,...
LOCAL NEWS: Astoria City Council votes to support county-wide mask requirement Script follows; Scroll Down to Listen [3:40] In their online public meeting Monday,...