Fort George Brewery's five o'clock whistle is an Astoria tradition

August 11, 2021 00:02:10
Fort George Brewery's five o'clock whistle is an Astoria tradition
A Story Told
Fort George Brewery's five o'clock whistle is an Astoria tradition

Aug 11 2021 | 00:02:10


Show Notes

For years, Fort George Brewery blew a work whistle at its downtown brewery every day, audible in and near downtown Astoria. For some, it was a kind of connection during the pandemic. The whistle was moved earlier this year, but that’s not the end of the story. KMUN’s Jacob Lewin reports: Ever since Fort George Brewery opened in 2007, there’s been some kind of five o’clock, steam-driven work whistle. Co-founder Chris Nemlowill says the idea came from the other Fort George co-founder, Jack Harris, and Paul Radú of P and L Johnson Mechanical: “They thought that we got a steam...

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