Despite Surge, Hood to Coast is a Go

August 24, 2021 00:02:11
Despite Surge, Hood to Coast is a Go
A Story Told
Despite Surge, Hood to Coast is a Go

Aug 24 2021 | 00:02:11


Show Notes

By Joanne Rideout.  The Hood to Coast Relay Race will proceed this weekend, bringing thousands of runners to Seaside, during a time when COVID-19 cases are rising again and rural hospitals risk being overwhelmed. Rebecca Coplin is interim chief executive at Providence Seaside Hospital. “I would say that in many ways this is a typical year. The coast has seen a lot of visitors this year. It’s a bit uncertain exactly how busy the Hood to Coast will be.” The event is happening Friday and Saturday. Coplin said the hospital does see an increase in emergency room traffic during the...

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