Friday, September 16th at 3pm ARTS - Live & Local! Carol Newman & guests:
Karin Temple brings her Peace Labyrinth to Grace Church in Astoria w/live music. Laurie Case Wilhite tells of her experiences and book 'Paddle to the Pacific' at the Fort George Brewery. Charla Hathaway presents “Naked at My Age” featuring short theatre vignettes at KALA in Astoria. Margarita Cullimore with music to celebrate Mexican Independence Day Sept 16, 1810.On the next Story Told, lest Trump decides to run at 78 years old for president, four years away, Michael goes on one final...
Live recording of the Astoria Planning Commission meeting, in which they resumed discussion of a proposed 28 foot building height limit for waterfront construction....
For the sake of festivity, Michael reads a couple seasonal heresies on the next Story Told, one about clinging onto superstition long since outgrown...