Friday, June 18th at 3 pm, ARTS – Live & Local! host Carol Newman speaks with:
Liberty Theatre Executive director Jennifer Crockett on the North Coast Performing Arts Alliance, 45th Parallel Universe Orchestra and A Block Party.
Sarah Buckmaster, Astoria Visual Arts & Astoria Writers Guild newest Writer in Residence, on her work in progress, life as a writer and a public reading.
Program director Andrew Tonry on the Tolovana Arts Colony community celebration ART in the PARK in Cannon Beach.
Host Teresa Retzlaff talks about when things go wrong, and how to troubleshoot frustrating setbacks in the farms and gardens of the lower Columbia...
Sedona Fire Band at St Catherine’s Church near Manzanita; LaRee Johnson as Abigail Scott Duniway & Ami Kreider at the Astoria Library; Jeff Slamal,...