Friday, February 9 at 3pm ARTS - Live & Local! Carol Newman & guests: Author & Storyteller Paula Charles launches her debut novel “Hammers and Homicide” at Lucy’s Books in Astoria. Operations Manager Mary Korte and Owner Thandi Rosenheim on the 2024 Sou’Wester Art Week in Seaview, WA. LaRee Johnson with her program on Mary Riddle in honor of Women’s History Month at the Astoria Public Library; and Library Director Suzanne Harold with more events.
Friday, Oct 11th at 3 pm, ARTS - Live & Local! host Carol Newman speaks with: Marianne Monson with the Astoria Writers Guild’s Literary...
Michael McCusker delivers a program almost exclusively about Nuclear War. Including (but not limited to) "Forgotten Bomb, Forgotten City," by Greg Mitchell. "Amid the...
Friday, August 5th at 3 pm, ARTS - Live & Local! Carol Newman hosts: Heather Douglas from The Alliance for Equity in Education funded...