Friday, August 25th at 3pm ARTS - Live & Local! Carol Newman & guests:
Bereniece Jones-Centeno, Artistic Director of the Cascadia Chamber Opera, is joined by Director Brendan Hartnett and Cast member Deac Guidi from the CCO Festival 2023’s production of Don Giovanni. Managing Director Kelly Ragsdale with the 2023/2024 season at the Columbia Theatre Association for the Performing Arts in Longview, WA. Musicians and Singers Julie Adams & Michael Costello release their new album, One by One, at KALA in Astoria.COVID-19 vaccine events and opportunities [Scroll down to Listen. Script below:] Intro: Clatsop County continues to ramp up COVID 19 vaccine distribution. Joanne Rideout...
Nate Boozer of Work Dance Co. & Marco Davis, with "Enigmatic! A Dance Extravaganza" at the Liberty; Daymark with Eric McDonald, Will Woodson &...
Host Graham Nystrom remembers Gail Griffey, a homeless Astoria woman who died this week. Riverfolk founder Mary Docherty and Astoria Police Chief Geoff Spalding...