On the next Story Told, tributes to Donna Kathleen Wright, and Dr. Robert Brake of Ocean Park, Washington, a longtime and essential contributor to this program. Also, from 1996, an open letter to Hillary Clinton simply titled "Dear Hillary," by Loyola Marsef. And from David Horrowitz, "Marching with the Peoples' Army in Vietnam-Era Portland." Finally, Arthur Honeyman's "Spastic Power."
It seems that there are more deer in Astoria than ever before….and more Astorians are going to great lengths to keep them from eating...
In partnership with the Harbor, Coast Community Radio presents “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence”. Day 7: World Aids Day FMI: harbornw.org/
Friday, May 12th at 3pm ARTS - Live & Local! Carol Newman & guests: Melissa Henige from The Harbor, Clay Artist & Bowl Makers...