An Attempt to Discuss Taxation," by Michael McCusker, as well as Nancy Hoffman's piece: "The Privilege of Being Taxable." Also on this program, Deborah E. Mikula and Loren Kogali ask "Have we forgotten what a public library is for?" Additionally, a poem by Rick Ranya titled "Astor Library," and in conclusion, one last poem, this time by Tracy McCusker, and it's called "Cracks"
Drawing ever so closer to the 2020 election, Michael reads a New York Times opinion piece "Will American Prestige Ever Recover?" by Timothy Egan....
By Jacob Lewin. The Oregon Health Authority is calling it a fourth wave of covid and it may push a dozen or so counties...
Host Donna Quinn speaks with two representatives of the Association for Mental Disabilities in Clatsop County. Her guests are AMD President Richard Elfering and...