Join host Joanne Rideout, along with Suzanne Bjaranson from Northwest Senior and Disability Services and Doug Sheaffer from the Olympic Area Agency on Aging, for a discussion about various end of life issues and how to be prepared.
(Note: there were sound issues in this show caused by a faulty microphone that could not be repaired until after the show was recorded. We've boosted the sound so it's audible throughout. We apologize for the less than ideal sound quality in this piece, but the information in this show is worthwhile for our listeners so we are posting the podcast. - Thanks, Joanne)
Michael McCusker explores wide-ranging topics, from the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Supreme Court's views on social media and government.
Join Michael McCusker for commentary about life, politics and sometimes, fishing.
Friday, July 2nd at 3 pm, ARTS - Live & Local! host Carol Newman speaks with: Coaster Theatre Executive Director Patrick Lathrop directs Shakesperience...